Sunday, December 9, 2012

Projek Kristianisasi Malaysia

This is a sensational topic as of lately. My responses to it might be disliked by some. But these are just my opinion when I was asked about this issue. You are welcomed to disagree. No problem. Feel free to discuss your thoughts in the comment section.


Bukan nak menafikan kewujudan gerakan kristianisasi. tapi ini semua bukanlah jgk benda yg pelik. Agenda kristian dah lama dah. malahan adalah satu gerakan global sepertimana juga gerakan dakwah Islam. Jadi bila ada kat Malaysia kita tak seharusnya pelik. Jgn juga gelabah dan panik. Isu kristian ni bukan dekad ni baru timbul. Mereka mmg ada agenda.
Syiah pun ada agenda.
Hindu ada agenda.
Sufi ada agenda.

Kita pun ada agenda.

Cara terbaik utk melawan semua agenda2 sesat ni ialah dengan memperkukuhkan jatidiri dan akidah orang Islam.
Bukan semata2 menyekat penyebaran agama lain.
Sesuatu ideologi xkan mati atau hilang dengan kekerasan tp dibunuh dengan hujah dan dalil.

Seandainya kita yakin Islam tu adalah jalan hidup yg sebenar, kita tak seharusnya takut. Malah kita akan lebih kuat bekerja. utk menang, kita lah yg perlu gerakkan satu movement utk memberi kefahaman islam kepada masyarakat melalui usaha tarbiyah dan dakwah. Tak perlu duduk sibuk marah kepada agama lain kalau kita pun duduk diam tak buat kerja.

Diantara mereka yg menyebarkan dakyah kristian tu ada yg benar2 ikhlas percaya itu agama yg betul dan dia nak share dgn org lain. org sebegini kita kena jadikan kawan dan ajak dia kepada persamaan, bukan permusuhan dan perpecahan. Kita boleh berdebat dgn baik. Cuba check AliEmraan:64.

Kutukan dan cercaan hanya menampakkan peribadi buruk seorang muslim. Seolah2 kita takut dan tak yakin islam itu benar dan mampu dikalahkan. mmglah, tapi bukan sebab islam tu lemah dan salah. tp sebab kita penganutnya yg tak buat kerja kita. lepas tu kita nak salahkan penganut agama lain yg buat kerja mereka menurut suruhan agama mereka.

just ask ourselves a question, kita suka tak kita diburuk2kan dgn tidak adil dalam media2 barat? dikatakan teroris, ada agenda menjadikan Amerika sebuah negara islam mega, nak melaksanakan hudud di US. semua ini lemparan kata2 dan tohmahan yg memang wujud di sana dan ditunjukkan secara negatif oleh media. kalau tak suka, then we should not do the same towards other ppl.

dalam media2 barat, org islam dilabelkan dgn pelbagai nama2 negatif dan dituduh macam2. semua adalah tuduhan yg tidak adil. malah tak langsung memberi ruang kpd orang islam utk jawab. kat atas antara contoh2 kata2 negatif terhadap umat islam di barat (khususnya US).

Mereka dituduh cuba menggulingkan kerajaan dgn "jihad" dan nak melaksanakan syariah kat US. Umat islam digambarkan sebagai teroris dan penjenayah. penjenayah "semuanya" org islam. semua ini digambarkan dgn sgt negatif dalam media2 mereka.

kita marah dan tak suka dorg wat macam tu. pada kita tak adil la tuduh2 dan gambarkan org islam sbg org jahat. maka seharusnya kita pun jgnlah buat benda yg sama terhadap org2 beragama lain di negara kita.

kan pernah je keluar berita now and then, duk kutuk2 gereja sbb bantu and bg makan kepada org islam yg miskin. dikatakan cuba sebarkan dakyah kristian la. edarkan bible bahasa melayu la. dah tu kita sendiri tak bantu org2 miskin kita, kenapa nak salahkan org lain yg nak bantu. bukan salah dorg nak dakyah umat islam kpd kristian, tp salah kita sendiri.

Kita yg lemah. wang zakat tak sampai kpd org yg sepatutnya. pengurusan dan pentadbiran agama (especially zakat) yg tidak profesional. bila kita lemah, patut ke kita sandarkan kelemahan kita pada kekuatan org bukan islam? "kita lemah sebab kita ditindas org kristian dan atheis"? tidak. kita lemah sbb kita meninggalkan agama kita sendiri.

I am not blaming anyone, most certainly not those ustaz who revealed the Christian agenda.I believe his intentions are pure but is misunderstood by other ppl. dia just nakkan kita sedar, kita umat islam mundur dr melaksanakan tugas2 kita.

Just my humble opinion Allahu A'lam

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ramadhan Wonders

I have always wondered why we are always capable of creating wonders and being exceptional every time Ramadhan comes. But, the moment it ends, and we enter the month of Syawal, everything kind of vanishes into thin air. Why is it so?

In Ramadhan, we are able to recite 1 juzu' (20 pages)  from the Quran every day, but after Ramadhan, to be able to read 5 pages is somehow very tough.

We are able to get up early for sahur and pray subuh on time, in jamaah. But in normal days, we hardly able to notice the calling for subuh prayer - the adzan.

Even the littlest of sins we managed to avoid in this month, but outside the month of Ramadhan, these sins does not even seem to be anything to us.

We are always up for good deeds and all sorts of ibadah, but then again, not in the other months that followed it.

Why though? Why?

Is it because of the incentives? I know that we are there are a lot of incentives for us to do them in the month of Ramadhan. There's the double triple quadruple reward from doing good deeds and there's the Lailatul Qadr night. The Shaitan are also tied away and other stuffs.

But what other incentives do we need other than to attain the pleasure of Allah SWT? Do we not want Him to be pleased with us during the rest of the year? It's a question that we need to continuously ask ourselves.

As hard as it may seem, being able to do wonders during Ramadhan is just a proof that we can actualize it afterwards as well. We just need to make time, sacrifice a bit and get into the vibe! So do not give ourselves an excuse to not continue with the exceptional performance in the following months.

Let's keep ourselves geared up and at top notch performance in these last 10 days of Ramadhan - just as we were at the beginning of it. And let it continue until we meet again in the next Ramadhan.

This post is a self reminder.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Announcement #1

Ehem2. Bismillah.

I just would like to announce that I have a new blog now. But it will not be disclosed as of yet. It's a project I'm working on and it's TOP SECRET. hehehe. I will let you know later when the time comes.

When? I don't know yet myself. But I sure hope it's soon. But until then, it will be up and running without no one from this blog knowing. Just don't google or yahoo it, you wont find it. I'm using a new account not associating my name. haha.

It doesn't mean that this blog will be abandon though. I'll still keep posting here inshaAllah. Just I will be prioritizing the other blog.

That's all. Hopefully you'll like the new blog when I "launch" it later.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A True Khalifah (Caliph)

Yea, it might sound boring to some of you. But I am not about to talk about those stuffs that you hear from time to time. This is what we usually hear - "A Khalifah is someone who precedes the responsibility of the prophet PBUH and his companions as the ruler of the Muslim Nation bla bla bla yada yada. Each and every one of us are also khalifahs, carrying the responsibility over one-self and those around us yada yada" - This is certainly not what I intend to say. All of us know that already right? But I would like to discuss what I see beyond that.

I see it as something that is more comprehensive that just being a good Muslim and a leader for my own self and those around me. A Khalifah's true meaning and responsibility should extend to even the non-Muslims, other beings and the environment (Nature) itself. At the global level as well as the littlest and simplest things. Later in this post I will provide those things which I see could be improved in the Muslim society.

Being a Khalifah simply dictates that we should be championing a lot of issues from basic human rights to rights of other beings, from poverty to the distribution of wealth, from democracy to good governance, from environmental issues to waste management system, from economic growth to the balance between industrialization and the primary sector, from educational to social issues, and from and to everything!

But what is the reality? We are immersed in issues that only divides us apart. We rather debate about should or should we not recite zikr loudly after prayers, should we or should we not wear jeans, should or should we tolerate other mazhabs inside a Syafie-popular society, and a lot of other ridiculous and time wasting debate which has already been settled even during the time before us when we should be looking forward to bigger issues.

We dream big, yet our culture, mindset and perspective is not as broad. The ego is huge though! We should be investigating and learning from the West as well as the far East of how their local culture shapes the mindset of the society, and bring them to where they stand today. If necessary, we should adopt them. There should be no problem.

People argue that us Muslims have our own culture and we have to stick to it "harfan bi harfin" (word by word). They further argue that the Western culture is derogatory towards religion and should be condemned. But they forget that anything that in nature is good for humanity as long as it is not against the teachings of the prophet PBUH, is in fact necessary. And that is what Islam is actually. Anything that is good in its nature is Islam. "Rahmatan lil 'alamin" (Mercy to the Universe) right?

Here are a few things we might want to learn from them.

I still remember, even after 15 years coming back to Malaysia, the social norm and practice is different. Here in Malaysia, we say that we apply the Islamic conduct in our everyday lives. But not as much. Things that are clearly against the religion is a taboo in our society. Such as adultery and riba'. That is good. But as I said earlier, it should have been more than just that. It goes beyond.

In the UK's, if you stand by the roadside to cross the zebra walk, cars will stop for you! The will allow you to pass through eventhough they can just speed up and leave you waiting for the road to clear. They don't. This is an act of mercy that us Muslims should be practising. But why can't we see this in our own country?

Another thing is cleanliness. Cleanliness is clearly endorsed by the teachings of Islam. There's this hadith saying "Cleanliness is part of Islam". My question is, why is it that the dirty countries are always the Muslim nations or countries with a huge Muslim population? Why is it that the cleaner and cleanest countries are the non-Islamic states? So who really practice Islam here? I would blame the local government for this. In the UK's we see thrash bins almost everywhere. It makes it very easy for people to put away lollipop wrappers and burger wraps in the right place. Over here, I find it so hard to even see one bin.

Another issue the Muslims need to champion is the recycling campaign. This is a very important one. A khalifah is not just sent to be leaders for mankind. But to also govern and administer the whole Earth (World). Environment is a part of our responsibility. Have we actually been responsible in that sense? A big no! We should be loving the nature, not further damaging it. Recycling papers, plastics and cans is an act of mercy towards the nature, and you know this already. So do it!

Is it that Islam does not endorse all of this or it is because of the local culture that has infiltrated our kind hearts and turn it away from the real teachings of Islam? Or lead us into a way of thinking that misrepresents the Islam that was revealed to the Prophet SAW.

There's a whole lot of other things that's there for us to see. It's just whether we really use our mind faculty to ponder upon them the moment we see things that are different or just let it pass without giving it a second look. If we really analyse them, we'll see that we can really learn a lot from the non-Muslims.

This is what I do. I compare ideas and culture. Especially those I gather from places I've been. I believe that at the end of the day, it is what makes me a better man - that I am able to extract positive ideas from everywhere and incorporate it into my daily life. I hope that everyone would do so as well. Because all of us possess the mind faculty. Whether we use it to the best of it's ability, is the question.

I have posted several other articles in the past with a similar theme. Have a look :)
1. Non-Muslims more Islamic Than Muslims
2. Islam in The Secular States

Sunday, April 8, 2012

FITRAH - Adalah Ia Suci

FITRAH is the name of my school's school magazine. Recently I was contacted by one of my teachers that asked me to write an article to share my experiences and motivate the juniors to participate in the coming's editorial board. I don't know if I managed to fulfil that. I hope I did. It is in Bahasa Melayu though. And since I haven't been writing lately and for a long time, I just thought that I should just share this. This is also the longest I've wrote since my last article below, I guess. This article will be published in the latest edition of FITRAH which will be out sometime soon - so I was told.

In the article below, I've discussed a few things related to our educational system in comparison to other schools. If you choose to read it, I just wish that you would not get offended by what I wrote. I'm not saying that other schools' aren't good, it's just that I love my school and I sincerely feel that it is THE BEST. If I offend you, I apologize in advance. You can always argue in the comments section below.

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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘Alamin was Solatu was Salamu ‘ala Rasulihil Amin.

Pertamanya, ana ingin menyatakan syukur kepada Ilahi kerana membenarkan majalah Fitrah ini diterbitkan buat edisi ketujuh. Tanpa izinNya, tidaklah mungkin FITRAH ini boleh terus diterbitkan. Setelah lelah usaha dan yang telah dirintis oleh abang-abang dan kakak-kakak pada tahun 2006, majalah ini dapat diteruskan secara konsisten dan dikeluarkan setiap tahun. Ini adalah satu pencapaian yang menggembirakan dan harus dibanggakan.

                Ana juga sedar, dari tahun ke tahun, struktur organisasi dan penyelarasan majalah sekolah juga bertambah baik. Selayaknya untuk ana mengucapkan tahniah kepada semua yang telah terlibat dalam menjayakan FITRAH edisi ini, dan juga kepada sidang editorial yang lalu yang telah menetapkan satu penanda aras dan menjadi contoh buat generasi-generasi berikutnya. Tahniah semuanya. Kita semua  boleh senyum dan berbangga dengan hasil kerja dan penat lelah yang telah dicurahkan bagi menerbitkan FITRAH ini. Semoga Allah menerima segala amal usaha kita sebagai kebaikan dan mengganjarinya dengan syurga nanti. Ameen.

                Satu pesan  dari saudara editor FITRAH yang pertama yang ana ingat sehingga sekarang adalah “andaikata kita tidak disibukkan dengan perkara-perkara yang berfaedah, nescaya kita akan disibukkan dengan perkara-perkara yang tidak berfaedah”. Berpegang pada kata-kata inilah kami meneruskan apa yang telah dimulakan pada tahun 2006 itu – FITRAH dan CREATIVE. Walaupun semua ini tugas yang berat dan meletihkan, hasil kerja yang terbit dari segala usaha ini mengubat semua itu, malah menjadikan kami lebih bersemangat untuk terus berkerja dan berkarya.

                Belajar sahaja tidak akan menjadikan kita seorang insan yang bagus. Malah, kecemerlangan akademik sahaja tidak cukup untuk menjadikan kita seorang peribadi yang cemerlang. Segala sesuatu harus ada keseimbangannya. Ada satu perbidalan yang berbunyi, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. FITRAH inilah yang boleh menjadi medan untuk setiap kita menaik taraf kemahiran individu dan juga kemahiran berkumpulan.

Menjadi sebahagian daripada FITRAH ini memberikan ana peluang untuk mengenal beberapa perkara baharu dan mengasah skil-skil sedia ada. Antaranya termasuklah pengurusan organisasi, pengurusan masa, komunikasi, pemikiran kritis dan kreatif dan banyak lagi. Kesemua ini terhidang di depan mata kita. Namun, akhirnya terpulang kepada kita sama ada mahu mempelajari dan menguasai setiap satu kemahiran itu atau tidak.

Kita perlu menyedari bahawa dalam dunia sekarang, soft skills (kemahiran insaniah) yang kita miliki adalah apa yang menentukan “harga” kita di pasaran kerjaya selain daripada pencapaian akademik. Dan kerana itulah kita perlu melibatkan secara aktif dalam aktiviti-aktiviti di luar kelas seperti ini.

Namun begitu, ada beberapa persoalan yang perlu kita jawab berkaitan majalah sekolah ini – apakah peri pentingnya kita menerbitkan majalah sekolah ini? Semua sekolah-sekolah lain juga menerbitkan majalah sekolah, apa istimewanya FITRAH? Kenapa perlu kita buat seperti orang lain? Sebenarnya perkara ini telah dijelaskan di seawal dalam FITRAH edisi pertama lagi.

Peranan utama FITRAH adalah bertindak selaku duta bagi mempromosikan pendidikan Islam dan sistem pendidikan berteraskan tauhid kepada dunia luar. Kita ingin membuktikan apa yang sekolah-sekolah lain boleh laksanakan, kita juga boleh - dengan cara kita sendiri. Walaupun kita kekurangan dari sudut material, namun kita tetap boleh bersaing dari segenap sudut – akademik, kokurikulum dan juga pembinaan modal insan. Semua ini kita berjaya buktikan dari rahun ke tahun.

Malah kita ingin menunjukkan bahawa apa yang kita bina adalah lebih baik lagi sehingga membuka mata orang awam akan kebaikan dan kepentingan tarbiyah Islamiah yang kita dukungi dan banggakan. Selain melaporkan aktiviti tahunan, perkembangan dan kemajuan sekolah kita, FITRAH juga adalah satu koleksi nostalgia buat semua yang menamatkan pengajian di Al-Amin. Mahukah anda tinggalkan Al-Amin tanpa sebarang memento untuk anda pandang ke belakang dan mengenang kembali zaman persekolahan?

Mungkin juga FITRAH mampu memberikan semangat baru kepada semua senior untuk kembali berkhidmat di Al-Amin. FITRAH bukan hanya sekadar majalah sekolah. Ia adalah lebih dari itu. Maka seharusnyalah kita berasa ghairah untuk melakukan yang lebih baik lagi dari masa ke semasa. Kerana inilah tanggungjawab kita. Inilah dakwah kita - dakwah melalui pena.

Namun begitu, harus diingat bahawa ini bukanlah tugasan remeh dan boleh dilaksanakan di waktu lapang dan dilupakan pada waktu-waktu lain. Menjadi sebahagian dari siding editorial memerlukan komitmen dan kesungguhan untuk melaksanakan kerja ini sehingga terbitnya edisi FITRAH anda sendiri. Tetapi ia bukanlah menjadi sebab untuk anda takut. Andaikata anda mampu mengintegrasikan tiga komponen ini di dalam pengurusan kerja anda, insyaAllah anda mampu melaksanakannya dengan baik dan mudah – pengurusan masa yang baik, komunikasi yang berkesan dan kerjasama yang kuat dalam kalangan sidang editorial.

Menganggotai sidang editorial FITRAH tidak akan membebankan anda untuk belajar sekiranya anda mampu menguruskan masa dan membahagikan kerja dengan baik. Satu pesan buat kalian, anda tidak patut lakukan semua kerja sendirian. Andaikata merasakan tanggungjawab anda terlalu banyak, maka agihkanlah kerja-kerja yang ada kepada orang lain juga. Carilah sebilangan kawan-kawan anda yang mungkin berminat dan boleh melaksanakan kerja.Saling berbantu adalah kunci kejayaan kepada penerbitan FITRAH.

Akhirnya mintalah nasihat dan bantuan daripada muallim dan muallimah yang berpengalaman. Tidak salah juga anda menghubungi senior-senior yang pernah terlibat dalam menjayakan FITRAH bermula dari edisi yang terawal andai memerlukan sebarang nasihat dan bimbingan. Semuanya sedia membantu. InsyaAllah.

Kutiplah mutiara ilmu dan gunakanlah peluang ini sebaiknya untuk mempelajari benda yang baru di samping menyempurnakan kemahiran-kemahiran sedia ada dengan menjadi sebahagian daripada krew penerbitan FITRAH dan juga CREATIVE. Anda mungkin akan merasa lelah dan penat, namun semuanya akan hilang apabila anda melihat sendiri ratusan buku itu tiba di Al-Amin nanti. Anda akan gembira. Anda akan puas. Anda mampu melihat ke belakang dan berkata, “Aku telah menyumbang kepada sebahagian daripada kejayaan ini!”.

Akhir kata, ana ingin mengucapkan selamat maju jaya kepada sidang-sidang editorial yang akan datang. Tidak ana lupakan, jutaan tahniah kepada sidang editorial FITRAH edisi ke-7 ini. Semoga Allah membalas usaha kalian dengan ganjaran yang melimpah ruah dan kejayaan di dunia dan Akhirat.

: : : : :

Hopefully I'll be back active with this blog soon.

Monday, August 15, 2011


This guy I met, he is a Muslim, just he is not from Malaysia. He is married to a Catholic wife and has been a happy couple since. A very outspoken man with a secular-liberal ideology. Don't ask if he's practising or not, I don't know myself and I don't speculate - I've learnt my lesson. Talking to him will always allow you to learn something about the world, in a funny sense though. Don't ask how, you have to experience it yourself.

There was one time my friends and I gathered around him and he happened to be talking about Islam. I knew it was going to be a good talk - it's always a one sided discussion. But let him talk, I don't mind. I love listening to other people's views on things. We were laughing to all what he has to say. Not that it's ridiculous, but he has this way of conveying serious and logical things in a humorous manner. I'm okay with it but there are some people who gets offended by his ideas and the way he says it. That time, he was criticizing Malaysia and the way Islam is propagated over here anyways - yup, just who would not be offended by this.

This is what he told us;
"You don't need an Islamic state to propagate the idea of Islam. Islam is better spread and more accepted in secular countries. In Malaysia, it doesn't allow revenues for people to really know Islam and you kind off  force people to accept Islam using the constitution. JAIS and JAKIM is just ridiculous. Islam is better off in a non-Islamic state."

He also told us on how he got married to his wife, after which he sought advice from an Imam in his country - and the Imam told him that it's okay. How he was out with his wife on Valentine's Day in Malaysia and JAIS came to him, and he told them off by saying that he is not a Malaysian and doesn't fall under JAIS's jurisdiction. This has nothing to do with my post, but just to give you a big picture what kind of guy he is. He is a nice guy though.

But what I want to refer to is his ideas on where Islam could be spread better. In an Islamic state or a secular country? In Malaysia and Egypt or United Kingdom and United States? In some place where Islamic rights are protected or where Islam is most misunderstood and oppressed?

I've always shared the same view on this matter in a sense.

I always believed that Islam grows faster in a place where it is being oppressed the most, or at least in where the Muslims live in hardships. Just not Malaysia. Where Muslims live in luxury and protection, we tend to be complacent and forgetful. History have shown us this - repeatedly, but we never take lessons from it. Just look at the people of the Ottoman Empire during the fall of the Strongest Islamic Caliphate, how were they? How did they live their lives? How was the governance of the country and it's wealth? We tend to feel satisfied with what we have just because we were not raised in hardship.

Hardship is a factor of success for most community and races. Have a look at the Jewish people around the world and the Chinese people in Malaysia. The Jews were once terribly oppressed in Europe, and had to work hard to gain recognition that they get now. Jews grow to become the media tycoons and the lobbyists that greatly influence the American government as we speak.

The Chinese people lived poor lives in Mainland China before they came to Malaysia. When they arrived here, they were ready to strive and go all out to improve their standard of living. This kind of spirit is what is lacking from us Muslims. We don't want to work hard, we are not that ambitious, and we rather fall back on what we feel is already enough. But we never realize that our future generation might suffer heavily from our complacency.

Now, let's go to the West and see how our Muslim brothers are doing. They are doing great! How's so? The fastest growing number of Muslims is in the West, where people's perception towards Islam is not so good. Islam is labelled bad names including "extremists" and "terrorists", yet the number of conversion to Islam is the highest over there compared to any other parts of the world. And the number increases from year to year. Again, how's so?

It's simply because, the more you are oppressed, the stronger you fight back. The less revenues you are allowed, the more creative you become. The more you are denied, the louder you shout back. The more they try to break you, the firmer you stand together. And where does these trials fall upon the Muslims? In the West! But why does these trials make them stronger and more successful?

"Verily, along with every hardship a relief. Verily, along with every hardship a relief (i.e. there is one hardship with two reliefs, so one hardship cannot overcome two reliefs)" [as-Syarh 94:5-6]

What about us? You want hardship to befall on you before you start to realize how much bounties Allah has given you, but how little you have done for His Deen? That should not be it. Don't wait until Allah takes all these pleasure and luxuries from us as to remind us of our responsibilities. Make use of the great opportunity that lies in front of you - living in a peaceful society, good economic development, fairly good education system, political stability and all other good things. Be thankful for that. A lot other people don't get all these things.

What if Islam grows in Malaysia and you don't have a share in it, are you not at a great loss? There's a lot of ways and channels for us to contribute to the growth of Islam in Malaysia. It doesn't mean that you have to be an Imam or a preacher. Just be a Muslim, I mean, be a good Muslim and then be good at what you are doing. Be a good doctor, architect, engineer and all, and it's already good that way. Why? There's one saying, "Uphold Islam in yourself, Islam certainly will cultivate around you" (Tegakkan Islam dalam dirimu, nescaya Islam akan tertegak di keliling mu).

We are forgetful and we are seldom thankful. Why is it not conducive here in Malaysia for Islam to grow? It's not because of the Islamic state that we are in nor the Islamic jurisdictions that we apply, and of course not because of Islam itself. It's because of ourselves! What we do determines peoples perception towards us, and Islam altogether. And this is our major problem. People look down on Islam, Islamic states and Islamic jusrisdiction - all because of us.

It has always been my belief that Islam and Muslims progress faster and further in places they are being oppressed the most, or where the Muslims live in hardship. And I cannot agree more with the guy we had a chat with. But it doesn't mean that we have to abandon the idea of having an Islamic state and judiciary system. We need it. but we also need to constantly remind ourselves of our responsibilities. Living in peace and harmony does not mean that everything is okay and will continue to be just fine. We need to share Islam with the world, and only then our responsibilities are lifted.

This is a reminder for myself, and those who read. Le't be a good Muslim.

Currently reading "A Doctor in The House". There are some examples that I quote from this book =) A good book to read - if you read it with an open mind of course.